Veterinarians qualified in small animal heart disease
OVIC consists in a team of veterinarians qualified in cardiopathies of small animals: our Observatory provides the guidelines for the diagnosis of the major cardiopathies and aims at collecting data from the animals examinated during genetical studies, working throughout the Italian territory. We organize training courses for the annual compulsory upgrade of Veterinary Doctors and we are accredited to ENCI and ANFI for the release of certifications for the diagnostic control of genetical diseases of the registered subjects.

The primary goal of the Observatory is to provide guidelines for the diagnosis and for the epidemiological control of the main heart diseases
in small animals, that could be shared by both veterinarians and breeders.
The second goal of the Observatory is to provide data and biological material for genetic studies aimed at investigating the genetic causes, the
heredity and the predisposing reasons of congenital or acquired heart diseases
in dogs and cats, in particular in predisposed breeds.